That being said, I spent the last 2 nights hanging out with my brother. He lives about 25 minutes away. And its really nice to be close to him. It's been something like 13 years since we've lived this close to each other. So I hope we get to spend more time together. Last night we jammed. Much like myself, he's an aspiring drummer (I'm better though, but don't tell him I said that. it'll be our little secret). So he has a small jazz kit that's a lot of fun to play. He's is a piano player but he loves to play other instruments like the guitar and banjo. So I played drums and he played the guitar. Good times! We did record some stuff the other day, I'll see what i can do about getting it on here, but don't hold your breathe it may be awhile.
Well that is a ton of info, so digest it and i will try to update you guys in a couple of days, or if something exciting happens. Here are some pictures of Naaman (my hermano)and me from Christmas.

Like kids in a candy store!

Thumbs up for brothers! Or as my people would say in their native tongue, "mi hermono"

Where's Arnie?

I knew exactly what to get him for Christmas!

What can I say, He out did me this year!