Thursday, December 25, 2008

Is This It?

So my family is a huge "Star Wars" Family. So we collectively decided to watch episode V (Empire Strikes Back). My parents have this 1980's (I know some of you weren't around then) speaker system that they have running through the dvd player so that you can watch movies in sweet stereo sound. Easy enough right? That's what I thought too. Little did i know it would be much, much more difficult than i had anticipated. The first issue that Naaman (my astute hermano) ran into was the speaker was very muffely if you will, like it was blown. So I went up stairs and got my parents other speaker set. Just the speakers and these are a little more up to date than the others. So with a little work i got them in place and thought i was ready to go. You got only one speaker was working. My family at this point is beginning to get irritated but i refuse to watch Star Wars with "regular" TV sound. So now my dad is involved and my brother has bailed. At this point, Im behind the TV and dad is at the speaker system. So my dad says, "Jeremy, Do you think that this "Mono/Stereo button has anything to do with it?" So he pushes it and shazaam..sound! I felt like a complete idiot.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Pain, No Gain!

What a cliche! But i think that it rings true for me the last couple of weeks. Since I've been home i have been consistently going to the gym to work out. Not that mamby pamby PT work out i was doing. I have been running at least a mile and a 1/2 and then lifting weights. I've maxed out at 110. Which doesn't sound like a lot, but it is when you way 140, So, I'm like 30 pounds away from benching myself, which is cool to me. My body has really changed over the last 3 weeks, i have definitely gain a ton of mass and dropped a couple of pounds in the waist. I feel better about myself, and i like the definition that my body has. I know all of that sounded really conceited, but i really don't mean it that way, Im just proud of myself, and my body, and even when i got out of basic, i had muscle, but no meat, and now i have both. So I'm pleased is all.

Anyway, now that I'm a bit self conscience because i feel liked i just bragged on myself for like 10 minutes straight, I'm glad Christmas is approaching. I just wish it was cold and snowing. But its all good! I hope this finds all of you well! I'm sure I'll write before Christmas, but if i don't then Merry Christmas to all of you! May the Lord bless you all during this time of family and fun.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Busy, Busy Bee

I cannot begin to explain to you how busy I have been over the last week. As I sit here and write this I have a thousand other things i need to be doing to get ready to PCS to Langley. Although, I have been sleeping in some, and going to bed rather late. I think this past Friday and Saturday i went to bed at like 1:00am. I haven't done that in a long time and i cant even explain the toll that it has taken on my body. I need to get back into my routine of going to bed early and wakeing up at a decent hour.

I did get to play soccer yesterday with the team that i was playing with before i left. I have to admit that i got hurt. I'm not sure what happened really, but these guys play a little bit rougher than that wonderful inter mural league that i was playing with on base. I was caught off guard that's all..I should be back on my game next week.

I did buy a car on Saturday. Its one of those things that you just have to do. A 2007 Ford Edge was the purchase that will be with me for the next 10 years. I am excited about it though. I think it was a good purchase, and I'm glad to have something reliable for a change.

Well I know that's a ton of info, but as you can see, i have a lot going on right now so continue to be patient with me and i will try to write as often as possible. I hope this finds all of you well. I miss all of you so much and wish i could be there with you now. Ricky please stop crying!!

And just a small sidebar...its currently 67 degrees here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not lost

Well first i need apologize for not writing recently. Things have been pretty crazy around here so i haven't had time for much. But i am still alive and doing fine. I have about 2 more weeks before i report to my next duty station and I'm a bit apprehensive. Change has always been one of my biggest challenges, so we'll see what happens. I'll try to write more soon, i do need to run, i have a ton of stuff to do today. I hope this finds you well.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

High School......Again?

I've been home for less than a week and its been really nice. The earliest I've woken up is 6:15am, so i am enjoying the late mornings! I had to work at the recruiters office yesterday, we proctored an ASVAB. So we're at this high school in the cafeteria and I decide that i want something to eat. So I mosey on over to the breakfast line and I go through and get a bowl of cereal and a milk. Now, I'm the only one in line, and I'm in uniform. I do have a jacket on but I'm still in uniform (dress blues). So the lunch lady is trying to figure out what to charge me. She calls her supervisor over and she says "Well, he's a student so what's the issue?" I politely inform her by saying, "Mam, I'm in the Air Force." I wish you could have seen her face. Deer in headlights meets Rudolf the red nose reindeer. It was rather humorous. But it just goes to show, no matter how old I may be, I look good!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Home again!

Well this thanksgiving has been very bitter sweet. Leaving San Angelo and the family that i have grown to love has been very hard for me. But i am glad to be back home. Its nice to have a little bit of normalcy. It has also been good to see my family again, my brother, sister and sister in law, and of course my parents. Oh and my mom's Mexican food! I had chorizo con papas with my mothers homemade tortillas! mmmmm it doesn't get any better! I'm going to go take a nap, which is something i haven't done in a while. later


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why are you here?

I had a really great time tonight. I got to eat fried chicken, hang out with Pastor, Lilian, (two "l's" or one?) some middle school kids, and watch a movie with Joey (which always fun! We always have a good time!). I actually left joey at 0200 which is the latest ive stayed out since ive been here. So I get to my room and as i approach the door i can see the light is on. So i think that my roommate is up. Which is unlike him, he is normally in bed. So i enter the room and i look on his side of the room, and he's not in the room, he's gone . I look at my bed, nothing. Then i see this random person sleeping on the top bunk. The first words out of my mouth are, "what are you doing in my room?" as he struggles to wake up he explains to me that he inadvertently locked himself out of his room while he was at PT(PT ended at 530pm). So i have a bit of sympathy for him now. He lives next door by the way, so im guessing my roommate let him in to crash. So i write a sweet loving note for my other sweetmate. His name is Davis and he's really cool. So about 10 minutes later i hear a knock at the door, and its Davis, here to save the day. Anyway, what an end to a great evening!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have to give a brief tomorrow 13 nov, so if you remember please say a prayer for me. I had a great time at small group tonight. It refreshes me. I love fellowship.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Night into Day

Well I got like 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm back on days now, and i guess thats the only thing that matters! We'll see if i can make it through with out crashing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I gave blood today, which is cool. You get to answer a bunch of extremely personal questions, but i guess it comes with the territory. So I'm sitting in the chair doing my thing, and the machine starts beeping indicating that i am finished. So the phlebotomous comes over and gets everything squared away with my arm. Then she takes some guase(sp), puts it in the crease of my elbow and then she says to me, "Apply pressure and raise your hand like you have a question." and i thought to myself.....what if i have a story?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The first shall be last and the last shall be first....

So last Friday for PT we had a free day, and everyone was playing football. So i decided to play as well. There were 12 of us total. The 2 captains are picking teams and slowly but surely the numbers dwindled down to me and one other guy. You guessed it, i got picked last! How awesome is that?!?! I think that i earned my worth though, I scored to receiving touchdowns, then i got "promoted" to quarterback (you know, the guy that throws the ball), and i threw for 3 TD's. not bad.

This past Monday we also had a free day, and we played football again. This time i got picked first and was again "promoted" to QB. I didnt do as well this time. I threw two interceptions. My rating wasnt that great. Oh well I had a good time. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh Captain My Captain!

I had PT yesterday, and i actually enjoyed it. We had a free day and so i chose to play basketball in the gym. There was 12 of so we had to shoot for teams (4 per team). Let me just say this first. I am really not all that athletic. I'm okay at soccer but that's really about it for me. i am absolutely horrible at baseball, and extremely mediocre a basketball. So, back to shooting for teams. A couple of guys had missed there shots and it was my turn. I get to the free throw line and take my highly calculated, technique and fundamentally driven shot(yeah right!). So..i shoot the ball with some form and I make the dogon basket. So now i say to myself, "Well at least I'm on a team." Some other guys miss there shots and finally one more guy makes his. Okay, two down, six to go. That's when the Sergeant that was playing with us tells me that me and the other guy are captains. So now I'm like you have to be kidding me! Not only do i suck at basketball, now i have to pick people to suck with me! So i did what any rational guy would do, i picked the Sergeant and two other tall people who looked like they could at least play. If not, at least they were tall. I mean I'm short, not Bethany short, I'm way taller than she is. But compared to these guys I'm short. We won the first game and i actually made three points. But we lost the second one. Oh well, maybe next time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Midnight Fun!

Anybody up for ihop tonight?

Top of the mornin' to ya!

Okay, so yesterday i talked about the guy in my class that is a "topper". Well today he did it again. So I'm standing there with two other airman and we are having a discussion about baseball (the season did start right?) and the use of steroids by some of the players. So about that time the "topper" walks up. He caught the last bit of our conversation, enough to know what we were talking about. One of the airman asks the question, "How do they even get steroids??" A bit naive to the world, a valid question. So he chimes in, "oh anybody can get them, they're easy to get. I could get them if i wanted to." At this point in the conversation i am doing everything i can to hold it together. I'm trying not to laugh in the guys face. So an awkward pause passes and he speaks up again. "I took steroids once." At this point i have hidden my face behind my hat because I'm laughing so hard. I cant contain myself. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth!! I had to walk away! He did say that it was for medical reasons, which I'm sure it was. But wow...really!

Im sure that there will be more wonderful stories to come!

Dont forget to pray for Pastor as he revcovers from surgery!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Night Shift....

Well tonight was my first night on night shift and frankly, it stinks. There are pros dont get me wrong. But i would rather get up early and have my evenings free than having to go to school at night. It was nice sleeping in until 9:00 this morning, and i did enjoy the afternoon PT. Well i actually got smoked at PT....really smoked, Ive been sore all day. But im not a fan of getting back my room at 1230 and in bed at 130am (its 145am now).

So i have to tell you about this guy in my class. He's a pipeliner like me (pipeliner is an airman that is straight out of basic and this is his first job in the AF) and he drives me crazy. Everyone has that one person, that despite how nice you try to be he/she just grates on your every last nerve. This is that guy. He has been on night shift since our class split days/nights, so i haven't seen him in months. And somehow i ended up sitting next to him in class. So right now i bet you are thinking that I'm over reacting, like really Jeremy how bad can this guy be. I'll show you. He is what we kindly refer to as a "topper". No matter what you've done, he's not only done it, hes done it better. When i was with the Sheriff's Office i had to get tazed with the x26 taser. So i am telling this story in class one day because its a great story. who doesn't want to hear about somebody riding the bull? Anyway...about half way through my story he chimes in...." i got tazed once." i was speechless! there is not way that this guy has ever been tazed..ever!!

So all that that to say i had been in class for like 15 minutes and he started talking.....i thought that someone was going to get hurt there for a minute.

Anyway..first night on night shift...I'll take my day shift thank you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


OK, so i haven't posted in a while, but i have been working on a post. I'm not sure if i will post it or not. Because if i do, then i make myself vulnerable. And that (for me) is a scary place to be. This is how Webster's Dictionary defines the word:

1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
: open to attack or damage : assailable <vulnerable to criticism>
: liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge
vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerability \ËŒvÉ™l-n(É™-)rÉ™-ˈbi-lÉ™-tÄ“\ noun
vul·ner·a·ble·ness           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerableness \ˈvÉ™l-n(É™-)rÉ™-bÉ™l-nÉ™s, ˈvÉ™l-nÉ™r-bÉ™l-\ noun
vul·ner·a·bly           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerably \-blÄ“\ adverb

I'm sure that all of us at one time or another have been in this place. This place filled with fear and uncertainty. I hope that when you come to this place that you will be able to do (at this point) what i cannot.

Friday, October 17, 2008

RE: Is the Doctor really in?

This post is in response to the comment left by Beth in reference to my post entitled "Is the Doctor really in?" So if you have not read that comment please do so before reading this post.

Funny you should say that. Studies have also shown that while those who drink Dr. Pepper may be better spellers, they also have trouble with grammar. Let me illustrate what I mean. If you look at your (Beth's) blog under the post dated Tuesday October 14th entitled "Funnies From Today", you will see that at the end of your first paragraph you have a sentence in parenthesis. It is as follows, "jeremy, don't do you dare answer that question!". Here you can clearly see the mistake made. I believe that my research and clear example speaks for itself. So I have to say that after looking at the scientific evidence and doing my own research. I have come to the conclusion that, I do not believe the Doctor is in.

Is the Doctor really in?

Ok, so latley i have been going back to the squadron for lunch. A little peace and quiet is nice during the day. So when i do that i usually get a bag lunch from the chow hall. It usually contains two PB&J sandwhiches, chips, fruit and a can drink. So today i purposefully grabbed a bag lunch that had a Dr. Pepper in it. So i could see for myself what all the hype is really about. So at this point i've had about 1/4 of the can..and i'm not so sure. I still have quite a bit to go, so we'll see. i'll keep you posted

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I finally got everything working again so keep your eyes peeled. i'll be posting regularly from now on.

On another note, i am going to need all of your phone numbers. i am making a recall roster for my roommate so he can get a hold of me at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

to blog or not to blog

hey guys,
sorry i havent been blogging as having some computer issues. So as soon as i get that worked out ill be more consistant. I hope you are having a great week. Just remember..tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I try very hard not to complain...sometimes I don't do so well...but I do try. So I'm going to vent for just a minute so please bear(bear, or bare?) with me. This week has sucked big time!! And its only stinking Tuesday!!! I wont go into details but holy freakin crap, how hard is it for you to do what you are supposed to do! I'm so frustrated right now the words wont even come! And its not just the stuff going on at the squadron(by the way Sunday night Bethany asked me if I got into trouble ..and I told here I don't get into trouble and she replied...I didn't mean you, I meant the "squadron". I was very impressed that she used the correct terminology) but there is just a bunch of other crap going anyway..that's my vent..see not sooo bad..right? Well maybe it is? Well anyway thanks for listening. I hope you guys have a great day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have absolutely nothing to write about....kinda sad.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last night was the second soccer game of the season, but the first one that i had played. I missed the first one for reasons that i will not list here. It was a great game in my estimation. I started out playing keeper (Bethany, that's the goalie). In the first half i had one semi close call. It was my first bit of action. I told the guys that i did it on purpose, I wanted to see where their loyalty lay. I had one or two more saves in the first half. One coming off a corner kick. In the second half about five minutes in i had to come out and attempt to make a save. I have to say that i am very proud of myself, because basically i cleaned this guys clock(in my opinion at least). I put my whole body into him, he had to step off the pitch (Bethany, that's the field) and i think he was limping. So I felt pretty good about myself. A bit of an adrenaline rush. I have to admit that i am sore today. Playing soccer is different that doing regular PT.

I want to thank Pastor, Lillian, Joey, and Ryan for coming out to support me. It really means a lot to me! I have a game this Thursday, so if you want to come you are welcome to. But please, please, please do not feel obligated to come. I know that we all have very busy lives and that's okay. Just let me know so can brief you on the whole getting in the gate thing. Its not complicated it just helps to have a heads up.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. May He be gracious and give you peace! May you be filled with the Holy Spirit and may He direct and guide you today!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Did you just call me "Dude"?

So yesterday I completely embarrassed myself. I was at school and our instructor gave us a break. He asked us if we wanted to get a snack from the instructors office. So several of us decided that we would go and get a snack....even though I am trying to not snack. So we were leaving the class room and the Sergeant made a comment and my response to him was "Dude......." I didn't even realize that I had called the Sergeant a "dude". So as I walk past him he says to me.."Did you just call me dude?" I was a bit dumb founded and speechless. I was so embarrassed. He wasn't mad and luckily I didn't get in trouble. But I did apologize in private later on that day because i felt so bad. He knew that i didn't do it on purpose....but still...a close call. had that been someone else, it could have been bad...whew!

Monday, September 29, 2008

First Impressions

So I was with hanging out with some friends yesterday and through our conversation I found out some very interesting information. When I first got here these particular friends had not met me. They had only heard about me and my family. I'm not sure what they were told exactly, but I do know that they knew that I was....from Laredo, and that my mothers side of the family is Mexican and that I had red hair. So picture this...a red headed Mexican, pretty sweet right! So the first time they met me they shock to see this white boy with...yeah, you guessed it red hair. I think they were a bit taken back. Their first encounter with a white Mexican with red hair. Who knew? I know that may be hard for some of you to believe as well, but its true. I think that since they know me a little bit better ...its a little easier for them to look past that first impression, of the white, red headed Mexican.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So I'm really not that great of a musician, but I absolutely love to play music. I love to sing as well but I been banned in five states and three countries.....two of those countries I haven't even been to! Anyway......last weekend Ricky graciously lent me his guitar. I have been piddling around all week and it has been such a great release for me. I go back and forth between my three or four chords and I just play. I just let out all my frustrations, my fears, and even my victories. There are no words, no agenda, no real goal. Its just me with my eyes closed. Funny thing is all my frustrations and all my fears that I hold onto so tightly. He just comes in and without me even aware of what is going on, He touches me. I mean, I'm not doing anything special or spectacular. I'm just worshiping Him plain and simple. I struggle with the words to convey the emotions that i am feeling right now. I guess I'm just humbled that the God of the universe would want me. With all my sin and all my shame, and yet....He does.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Game Time

Today has been a good day. I have a test tomorrow so please be praying for me. I should be testing out at around 12:00pm. Also the soccer season starts on Monday and we have a game on Monday (the 29th) at 6:30pm and Tuesday at 6:30pm. It would mean a lot to me if you could come and support me. I understand that we all have alot going on, but if your schedule permits, it would be really cool. If you do plan to come please let me know so I can find out what it takes to get you through the gate. You have all loved and supported me so much while have been here and it means so much to me! Thanks for all you have done for me!

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, may He be gracious and give you peace that passes all understanding!


My roommate moves out today! So I will have the room all to myself. Until Monday at least. I'm praying for longer....a lot longer! But I'm really excited! WOO WOO!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Early to bed...not so easy to rise

Recently there has been some discussion on age and how apparently old I really am....So I guess I am going to add more evidence to that apparent "fact". Last night I was in bed by 7:45pm. Granted I was a bit under the weather, never the less 7:45! And when I woke up this morning...I felt like I had been hit by a truck. And PT, try doing calisthenics and cardio like you just wrestled a bear (which I could totally do.....and win), it was a bit rough. I think i came out on top though. I am feeling better this afternoon..but dude! So I guess I will go back to my normal routine since going to bed early didn't do much good.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you. May He turn His countenance toward you, be gracious and give you peace. May you be so filled with His Holy Spirit that He would give you mighty inner strength to get through the day and face the issues and the hurdles that come your way today!(Ephesians 3:16 NLT)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I hope everyone is having a good day. I just wanted to ask you all to please be praying for me. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and I feel "icky". So if I come to your mind please say a quick prayer for me. Thanks

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blues Monday

No I'm not sad or down or anything like that, but every Monday I "get" to wear my blues. Which really isn't that big of a deal. I mean its a bit cumbersome but in the grand scheme of things it "ain't nothin' but a thang". The issue I have is that I've gained a couple of pounds since I've been here and by couple I mean about 10 or so. So now my pants are .... snug, and a bit uncomfortable. So I need to start dropping some pounds so that every Monday will not be "Blues Monday"

On a skinnier note...I just want to say to the worship team that I really enjoy playing with you guys! I know that by far you are all greater musicians than I am and I am thankful for your patience and indulgence.

I hope you all had a great day.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, may He turn his countenance toward you be gracious and give you peace. And may you be so filled with the Holy Spirit that people will feel His presence when they are in your presence.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Feeling Young Again

Well recently I've been feeling a bit...."old" if you will. So in my attempt to feel young again I decided to update my background and try to liven things up a bit. So hope this will help me and helps some of you and make you feel young again!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Last night I went to a high school football game. I haven't been to a HS football game in years. I had a ton of fun. I can honestly say that between Pastor and me I think that we could coach the chiefs to a great season. I think we make a great team! We have a good strategy and with some work on our special teams (Bethany that's the kick off team) i think we will have a great team this year! I tried to buy a t-shirt but they were out mediums....maybe next time.

Chiefs 46
Other Guys 26

For those of you who are checking my spelling, I used spell saved my life :-)

Friday, September 19, 2008

AC on!

My AC finally got fixed yesterday. It hasnt been so bad because of the cool weather, but it is reassuring to know that if i need it its there! I'm so glad its friday this week has been kinda crazy! I have yet another wondreful formation tomorrow at 0730. Which really isnt all that bad. I mean its not 0500 right! Well im at lunch, and its back to class!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hump Day

Half way through the week! Two more days, whose with me?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well I passed yet another test today, with a whopping 95%. I am so glad block 10 is over. I also joined the squadron soccer team which i am really excited about. I was playing in a men's league be for i joined and i was having a blast, so we'll see what happens. That's really about it nothing new and exciting but oh did you see Roddick in that spurs t shirt? i mean that must be the cutest thing i have ever seen!!! I cant wait to put one one my dog!!! I hope everone's week is going well.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Beef and Ice Cream

A steak, loaded baked potato, ice cream and the best possible company you could ask for. What more could a guy ask for? I had a great time tonight. I had the distinct privilege of going to Logan's Road House with Pastor and his familia (see my Spanish is getting better). I had a great time! I don't think I've laughed that hard in quite sometime, so thank you for that. After dinner I was tied up, thrown in the back of the van and the forced to sit and eat an oreo, chocolate chip, and fudge ice cream creation from Cold Stone! The nerve of some People! But it's okay, I forgive you! It was a great break from the action packed adventure driven week of looking at oh so sweet sticks and blobs! I really needed that. And like I said before, the company was way better than the food and the ice cream combined! Oh and just a fair warning. When you are at cold stone they have trick chairs and if you don't sit in them in just the right way, you get a sweet little surprise! So, thanks again for a wonderful evening! Now, about these rope burns.......

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Say What!

Just letting all of you wonderful people know I'm on facebook, so if you are a facebook junkie like me(and you know who you are) then hit me up.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Well today has been a day of monumental proportions! At least in my life. Today I have been married for 8 years. Yeah I know right! Crazy! I'm 28 years old and have been married for 8 years. Needless to say I have done A LOT of growing up in the past 8 years and I know that I have a lot more growing up to do.
But the Lord is helping me with that. He shows me daily how much of a sinful man I really am. Now don't take that in a negative context. Its a growing, learning, stretching experience. It's what God does in our lives to make us more like Him. I recently heard a message that was given at my home church back in NC. It basically said(in a nut shell) that God does not always move our mountain. We pray and ask God to move our mountain, (whatever that mountain may be) and God lovingly responds, "No I will not move this mountain, you must climb it." (that is how my conversation with Him usually goes) I hate that answer! Why? Because if He moves it, it is so much easier on me. But then I never get the to see the fullness of who He really is in my life. And if we look at couple of examples, we see that Moses had to climb the mountain literally, Jacob wrestled with God (Genesis 32:22-32). Joesph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. So let us examine ourselves and really ask, how big is the mountain God is asking us to climb?
Whatever it is, or however big it may be, I know that God will you give you the strength that you need and that is my prayer for you, May the Lord from His glorious unlimited resources give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. Ephesians 3:16, and I know that He will always be with you. So, be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! Joshua 1:9 So... go get em tiger!!


Thursday, September 4, 2008


I just got done watching the first of six messages on betrayal by Pastor Ed Young. And what a thought provoking start. I highly recommend that you listen to it as well. Actually I watched it via podcast on iTunes. I hope to finish the series this weekend or sometime early next week. That is the only video podcast he has up right now. I heard Ed do a series called "Just Lust". Also very powerful. Not on a podcast but if you are interested I believe that i can get my hands on a copy or two.

Well I took my block 9 test today. And much to my dismay I got a 95%. I know a big let down! But I will say this, I was very stressed about this test last night and I wasn't sure if I was going to pass or not. But Tara and my dad were praying for me and I know that God helped me through it. Because when I sat down and started the test, it was like I saw it plain as day! cArazy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

A wee bit home sick

Well I have to say that over all I had a really great time in Austin. I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in a long time and that was terrific (I like the word terrific). I was able to relax and just hang out and have absolutely zero worries. Which was nice! But, now I'm back in wonderful San Angelo, no offense, it's just not home for me. Which leads me to my next point. I miss home terribly! I really miss Tara! But I'm not going to make this some depressing I had a good time and now its back to the grind. I will say that I am very blessed to have my church family here. I really missed being at church you all on Sunday and I am so thankful that you are a part of my life. I look forward to every Saturday, Sunday and now Wednesday. Its what gets me through the week. So please hear me when I say that you all have been placed in my life during this season I am in to help me grow, and change and mature. And you will never understand the great impact that you have had, are having in my life. Thank you for your love, and your prayers. I can't wait to see you on Wednesday. We do have small groups on Wednesday right? me! :-) I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend as well and I cant wait to hear about it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

No PT!

Okay, so PT is a love/hate relationship for me. I absolutely hate getting up in the morning. I would rather sleep in. Of course these days sleeping in for me is like 8:30am, but never the less its still sleeping in. So i drag my self out of bed and off to the PT pad (iPOD in hand) to do many push-ups, sit-ups and other wonderful exercises. Then we top it off with a nice run. And when all is said and done, i feel great. All that being said, no PT tomorrow or Monday. So come Wednesday i fear that i will be very sore and my love/ hate relationship may turn into a hate/ hate relationship....but only until Friday I'm sure!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On the band wagon

Ok I saw that everyone else had a blog from SRC so I wanted one too! So here I am and I have no idea what I'm doing so hang on!! WOO WOO!!!
