Monday, September 8, 2008


Well today has been a day of monumental proportions! At least in my life. Today I have been married for 8 years. Yeah I know right! Crazy! I'm 28 years old and have been married for 8 years. Needless to say I have done A LOT of growing up in the past 8 years and I know that I have a lot more growing up to do.
But the Lord is helping me with that. He shows me daily how much of a sinful man I really am. Now don't take that in a negative context. Its a growing, learning, stretching experience. It's what God does in our lives to make us more like Him. I recently heard a message that was given at my home church back in NC. It basically said(in a nut shell) that God does not always move our mountain. We pray and ask God to move our mountain, (whatever that mountain may be) and God lovingly responds, "No I will not move this mountain, you must climb it." (that is how my conversation with Him usually goes) I hate that answer! Why? Because if He moves it, it is so much easier on me. But then I never get the to see the fullness of who He really is in my life. And if we look at couple of examples, we see that Moses had to climb the mountain literally, Jacob wrestled with God (Genesis 32:22-32). Joesph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. So let us examine ourselves and really ask, how big is the mountain God is asking us to climb?
Whatever it is, or however big it may be, I know that God will you give you the strength that you need and that is my prayer for you, May the Lord from His glorious unlimited resources give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. Ephesians 3:16, and I know that He will always be with you. So, be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! Joshua 1:9 So... go get em tiger!!



bhernandez said...

wow 8 yrs, congratulations. I pray God continue to bless your marriage.


Bethany Hernandez said...

happy anniversary!

Jehu Hernandez said...

I can't believe you didn't say something about this yesterday. We would've helped you celebrate! I know--it's not the same without your wife. Happy anniversary!