Monday, September 22, 2008

Blues Monday

No I'm not sad or down or anything like that, but every Monday I "get" to wear my blues. Which really isn't that big of a deal. I mean its a bit cumbersome but in the grand scheme of things it "ain't nothin' but a thang". The issue I have is that I've gained a couple of pounds since I've been here and by couple I mean about 10 or so. So now my pants are .... snug, and a bit uncomfortable. So I need to start dropping some pounds so that every Monday will not be "Blues Monday"

On a skinnier note...I just want to say to the worship team that I really enjoy playing with you guys! I know that by far you are all greater musicians than I am and I am thankful for your patience and indulgence.

I hope you all had a great day.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, may He turn his countenance toward you be gracious and give you peace. And may you be so filled with the Holy Spirit that people will feel His presence when they are in your presence.


amber said...

niiice background, ya big girl! :)

Jehu Hernandez said...

You have no idea how much you add to our praise team. Now if we could just get some shirts for the praise team that look like your background! said...

Jeremy you make it so much fun! I'm so glad you are here. You just don't know how much it means to us!

OH by the way if you are interested in our small groups blog email me at and I'll give you access to it.

See you soon!
