Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh Captain My Captain!

I had PT yesterday, and i actually enjoyed it. We had a free day and so i chose to play basketball in the gym. There was 12 of so we had to shoot for teams (4 per team). Let me just say this first. I am really not all that athletic. I'm okay at soccer but that's really about it for me. i am absolutely horrible at baseball, and extremely mediocre a basketball. So, back to shooting for teams. A couple of guys had missed there shots and it was my turn. I get to the free throw line and take my highly calculated, technique and fundamentally driven shot(yeah right!). So..i shoot the ball with some form and I make the dogon basket. So now i say to myself, "Well at least I'm on a team." Some other guys miss there shots and finally one more guy makes his. Okay, two down, six to go. That's when the Sergeant that was playing with us tells me that me and the other guy are captains. So now I'm like you have to be kidding me! Not only do i suck at basketball, now i have to pick people to suck with me! So i did what any rational guy would do, i picked the Sergeant and two other tall people who looked like they could at least play. If not, at least they were tall. I mean I'm short, not Bethany short, I'm way taller than she is. But compared to these guys I'm short. We won the first game and i actually made three points. But we lost the second one. Oh well, maybe next time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Midnight Fun!

Anybody up for ihop tonight?

Top of the mornin' to ya!

Okay, so yesterday i talked about the guy in my class that is a "topper". Well today he did it again. So I'm standing there with two other airman and we are having a discussion about baseball (the season did start right?) and the use of steroids by some of the players. So about that time the "topper" walks up. He caught the last bit of our conversation, enough to know what we were talking about. One of the airman asks the question, "How do they even get steroids??" A bit naive to the world, a valid question. So he chimes in, "oh anybody can get them, they're easy to get. I could get them if i wanted to." At this point in the conversation i am doing everything i can to hold it together. I'm trying not to laugh in the guys face. So an awkward pause passes and he speaks up again. "I took steroids once." At this point i have hidden my face behind my hat because I'm laughing so hard. I cant contain myself. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth!! I had to walk away! He did say that it was for medical reasons, which I'm sure it was. But wow...really!

Im sure that there will be more wonderful stories to come!

Dont forget to pray for Pastor as he revcovers from surgery!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Night Shift....

Well tonight was my first night on night shift and frankly, it stinks. There are pros dont get me wrong. But i would rather get up early and have my evenings free than having to go to school at night. It was nice sleeping in until 9:00 this morning, and i did enjoy the afternoon PT. Well i actually got smoked at PT....really smoked, Ive been sore all day. But im not a fan of getting back my room at 1230 and in bed at 130am (its 145am now).

So i have to tell you about this guy in my class. He's a pipeliner like me (pipeliner is an airman that is straight out of basic and this is his first job in the AF) and he drives me crazy. Everyone has that one person, that despite how nice you try to be he/she just grates on your every last nerve. This is that guy. He has been on night shift since our class split days/nights, so i haven't seen him in months. And somehow i ended up sitting next to him in class. So right now i bet you are thinking that I'm over reacting, like really Jeremy how bad can this guy be. I'll show you. He is what we kindly refer to as a "topper". No matter what you've done, he's not only done it, hes done it better. When i was with the Sheriff's Office i had to get tazed with the x26 taser. So i am telling this story in class one day because its a great story. who doesn't want to hear about somebody riding the bull? Anyway...about half way through my story he chimes in...." i got tazed once." i was speechless! there is not way that this guy has ever been tazed..ever!!

So all that that to say i had been in class for like 15 minutes and he started talking.....i thought that someone was going to get hurt there for a minute.

Anyway..first night on night shift...I'll take my day shift thank you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


OK, so i haven't posted in a while, but i have been working on a post. I'm not sure if i will post it or not. Because if i do, then i make myself vulnerable. And that (for me) is a scary place to be. This is how Webster's Dictionary defines the word:

1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
: open to attack or damage : assailable <vulnerable to criticism>
: liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge
vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerability \ˌvəl-n(ə-)rə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
vul·ner·a·ble·ness           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerableness \ˈvəl-n(ə-)rə-bəl-nəs, ˈvəl-nər-bəl-\ noun
vul·ner·a·bly           Listen to the pronunciation of vulnerably \-blē\ adverb

I'm sure that all of us at one time or another have been in this place. This place filled with fear and uncertainty. I hope that when you come to this place that you will be able to do (at this point) what i cannot.

Friday, October 17, 2008

RE: Is the Doctor really in?

This post is in response to the comment left by Beth in reference to my post entitled "Is the Doctor really in?" So if you have not read that comment please do so before reading this post.

Funny you should say that. Studies have also shown that while those who drink Dr. Pepper may be better spellers, they also have trouble with grammar. Let me illustrate what I mean. If you look at your (Beth's) blog under the post dated Tuesday October 14th entitled "Funnies From Today", you will see that at the end of your first paragraph you have a sentence in parenthesis. It is as follows, "jeremy, don't do you dare answer that question!". Here you can clearly see the mistake made. I believe that my research and clear example speaks for itself. So I have to say that after looking at the scientific evidence and doing my own research. I have come to the conclusion that, I do not believe the Doctor is in.

Is the Doctor really in?

Ok, so latley i have been going back to the squadron for lunch. A little peace and quiet is nice during the day. So when i do that i usually get a bag lunch from the chow hall. It usually contains two PB&J sandwhiches, chips, fruit and a can drink. So today i purposefully grabbed a bag lunch that had a Dr. Pepper in it. So i could see for myself what all the hype is really about. So at this point i've had about 1/4 of the can..and i'm not so sure. I still have quite a bit to go, so we'll see. i'll keep you posted

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I finally got everything working again so keep your eyes peeled. i'll be posting regularly from now on.

On another note, i am going to need all of your phone numbers. i am making a recall roster for my roommate so he can get a hold of me at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

to blog or not to blog

hey guys,
sorry i havent been blogging as much..im having some computer issues. So as soon as i get that worked out ill be more consistant. I hope you are having a great week. Just remember..tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I try very hard not to complain...sometimes I don't do so well...but I do try. So I'm going to vent for just a minute so please bear(bear, or bare?) with me. This week has sucked big time!! And its only stinking Tuesday!!! I wont go into details but holy freakin crap, how hard is it for you to do what you are supposed to do! I'm so frustrated right now the words wont even come! And its not just the stuff going on at the squadron(by the way Sunday night Bethany asked me if I got into trouble ..and I told here I don't get into trouble and she replied...I didn't mean you, I meant the "squadron". I was very impressed that she used the correct terminology) but there is just a bunch of other crap going on..so anyway..that's my vent..see not sooo bad..right? Well maybe it is? Well anyway thanks for listening. I hope you guys have a great day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have absolutely nothing to write about....kinda sad.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last night was the second soccer game of the season, but the first one that i had played. I missed the first one for reasons that i will not list here. It was a great game in my estimation. I started out playing keeper (Bethany, that's the goalie). In the first half i had one semi close call. It was my first bit of action. I told the guys that i did it on purpose, I wanted to see where their loyalty lay. I had one or two more saves in the first half. One coming off a corner kick. In the second half about five minutes in i had to come out and attempt to make a save. I have to say that i am very proud of myself, because basically i cleaned this guys clock(in my opinion at least). I put my whole body into him, he had to step off the pitch (Bethany, that's the field) and i think he was limping. So I felt pretty good about myself. A bit of an adrenaline rush. I have to admit that i am sore today. Playing soccer is different that doing regular PT.

I want to thank Pastor, Lillian, Joey, and Ryan for coming out to support me. It really means a lot to me! I have a game this Thursday, so if you want to come you are welcome to. But please, please, please do not feel obligated to come. I know that we all have very busy lives and that's okay. Just let me know so can brief you on the whole getting in the gate thing. Its not complicated it just helps to have a heads up.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. May He be gracious and give you peace! May you be filled with the Holy Spirit and may He direct and guide you today!