Thursday, October 23, 2008

Night Shift....

Well tonight was my first night on night shift and frankly, it stinks. There are pros dont get me wrong. But i would rather get up early and have my evenings free than having to go to school at night. It was nice sleeping in until 9:00 this morning, and i did enjoy the afternoon PT. Well i actually got smoked at PT....really smoked, Ive been sore all day. But im not a fan of getting back my room at 1230 and in bed at 130am (its 145am now).

So i have to tell you about this guy in my class. He's a pipeliner like me (pipeliner is an airman that is straight out of basic and this is his first job in the AF) and he drives me crazy. Everyone has that one person, that despite how nice you try to be he/she just grates on your every last nerve. This is that guy. He has been on night shift since our class split days/nights, so i haven't seen him in months. And somehow i ended up sitting next to him in class. So right now i bet you are thinking that I'm over reacting, like really Jeremy how bad can this guy be. I'll show you. He is what we kindly refer to as a "topper". No matter what you've done, he's not only done it, hes done it better. When i was with the Sheriff's Office i had to get tazed with the x26 taser. So i am telling this story in class one day because its a great story. who doesn't want to hear about somebody riding the bull? Anyway...about half way through my story he chimes in...." i got tazed once." i was speechless! there is not way that this guy has ever been tazed..ever!!

So all that that to say i had been in class for like 15 minutes and he started talking.....i thought that someone was going to get hurt there for a minute.

Anyway..first night on night shift...I'll take my day shift thank you!

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