Monday, December 15, 2008

Busy, Busy Bee

I cannot begin to explain to you how busy I have been over the last week. As I sit here and write this I have a thousand other things i need to be doing to get ready to PCS to Langley. Although, I have been sleeping in some, and going to bed rather late. I think this past Friday and Saturday i went to bed at like 1:00am. I haven't done that in a long time and i cant even explain the toll that it has taken on my body. I need to get back into my routine of going to bed early and wakeing up at a decent hour.

I did get to play soccer yesterday with the team that i was playing with before i left. I have to admit that i got hurt. I'm not sure what happened really, but these guys play a little bit rougher than that wonderful inter mural league that i was playing with on base. I was caught off guard that's all..I should be back on my game next week.

I did buy a car on Saturday. Its one of those things that you just have to do. A 2007 Ford Edge was the purchase that will be with me for the next 10 years. I am excited about it though. I think it was a good purchase, and I'm glad to have something reliable for a change.

Well I know that's a ton of info, but as you can see, i have a lot going on right now so continue to be patient with me and i will try to write as often as possible. I hope this finds all of you well. I miss all of you so much and wish i could be there with you now. Ricky please stop crying!!

And just a small sidebar...its currently 67 degrees here.


Bethany Hernandez said...

you bought a car?

you can drive?!

AF Drummer said...

yes i did and i can drive way better than you trust me I've been in the same car with you while you were driving!